An American Prophet - Monday, April 21, 2008


There has come to these present days much to be of concern. It is of this that we speak together.

There are those who say that wars and more wars are inevitable. It is by man's hands, not God's, that this rhetoric comes. Man has said again and again, "Give me more and more. Give me all that is said to be good and wise, and I will be powerful." And so man manipulates, the world at large, that he may be one to say, "Look at Me! I am Powerful!"

Man stands, and yells at the top of his voice, that he may be heard and that he may be seen as powerful. And I say to you, he crows like a cock in the barnyard. He pounds his chest and keeps his own counsel of power, never asking what the truth may be!

Man is one to come to this day, seeing he is powerful in all that he reigns. But, he is not one to see his future as it is. Man has come to the place now, that his past and his future collapse upon one another, from his greed filled creations. There is "nothing powerful or sustaining in man's actions based on greed, He is but of "sounding cymbals and pounding drums". . .which means, "full of noise and without true harmony!" All of man's actions, in greed, have the same ending when viewed from above.

I say unto you that those who take control through avarice and greed, have sounded their voices once too many times. And in this sounding, have they called unto themselves the highest rancor in the Universe. It is to find now, that their voices are not heard, nor does their gold and riches serve them well.

I say unto you that all is well in these days. For man in greed, has not the nature of continuing as he is. Man, in greed, is one to see that soon, very soon, he will have a voice no longer to command his due.

Know all is well, if you are of your own voice. Know, that you will always speak the truth from your own heart, in Love not in greed. This is your way. You will then find your life in a place of Love and goodness. It is the energy of creation, that draws to you, in like kind.

Count not yourselves to follow those whose voices sing their own praises and would take your voice away. Stand forth and know the truth. "Those who take away the thoughts of all, and insist they know best, are no longer to be heard." Their voices will quiet into the dust. They will be ones to seek out those to support their voices and find no one there.

Be of your own inner voice and hold to this. no matter what may be said around you, Stand to your own inner power knowing all is well in your life. Be one to seek the truth. Watch, and see the crumbling of empires, as they move away into their own cloud of dust.

To control, and insist that all listen; to manipulate, and to know that manipulation will take away lives; and continue to be of this, is to assure that all will crumble and the darkness will come. Not to those of truth, but to those who insist on being unloving in all that they do.

Take into your heart the truth of your own knowing. Stand in your own truth and allow Love to be your answer. And, all will be well for you.

Follow your own heart and make a voice to this, no matter how small it may seem.

This is the way.

Go in Peace and Love
This Information is Copyrighted 2008

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