An American Prophet - Sunday, April 6, 2008

An American Prophet Speaks:

There is today much said about the world at war. And in this, many feel fear that goes beyond the day.

To be full of fear, is not the way to live life. It causes every moment to be full of the events that cause fear to be real.

Take a moment. Listen to the world. And what comes, is "We are ending".

What if you knew that man has been looking for "The Ending of the World", since he crawled from the primordial mud of creation? And why would this be so? It is because man can not see anything but his own negativity. When this is so of anything, one becomes a prophet of his own negative thinking and doom.

The Prophecies of Doom, are just that. . . "man's own negative thinking of himself"! There is nothing further from the truth, than, "The "World is coming to an Ending". There is so much happening today, that gives no truth to this thought.

Man is brighter than he has ever been. He is more resourceful than he has ever been. He creates and Loves much deeper than he ever has. So, why in the Universal Scheme of things, would he be punished for his wisdom and growth?

So, what is the future to be? What is the purpose of all the anger and war, in these days, if the Earth Plane is growing into a "New Horizon?"

The Birth of all things, comes in some uproar for there is change happening. A New Star is born, it is the beginning of new life. And there is a great explosion. There are colors and gasses spread across the Universe. And in the ending of it, new life becomes.

It would seem that this is not a Loving event. But take a look, the Universe has just birthed a new being, that will live in wisdom seeking, for billions of years. In the star's ending, there will be great amounts of growth added to all things. And, what becomes of this wonderful star in what appears its ending? It becomes another form, of a higher volume of understanding, and again, the whole Universe benefits. It does not cease! It becomes another form of higher wisdom and spiritual consideration in a Universe that seeks more and more wisdom and Love.

Take a look at our Earth Plane. Can you not see that we grow? Can you not see that we struggle to understand Love, and move into a tomorrow, with so much higher energy?

Ask even the smallest child of today, "What is God?" Allow the child to speak with a child's voice. Be silent. Listen to the small voice and the child will tell you wisdoms you have never heard, from such a small citizen of Earth Plane. And why is this? The answer is because we become wiser and wiser and our children reflect this truth.

Listen to these words and know the truth. There is struggle in Earth Plane, this is truth. But, this is for our "Beginning", not "Our Ending!"

Be with Love and know this is truth.

Go in Peace and Love
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