An American Prophet - Monday, May 12, 2008

I am reading about "Orbs", that people are seeing around our planet. What may we know about these Orbs?

Do your own

Book: "The Orb Project", by Drs. Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinmann, with forward by Dr. William A. Tiller ( )

Answer :
Children, there are many such things in earth plane, that are now going to be surfacing, that have never been seen before. This is due to the energies around, and in Mother Earth, which have been rising for the past three years. There have been these manifestations in earth plane, always. But due to the lack of energy, which affects perceptions, these kinds of things have not been possible to observe. There are sights and sounds, in earth plane, that have not existed in man's reality. Not because these events did not exist, but because they could not be perceived!

Because of the lower energy patterns, most in earth plane could not observe and experience these phenomena. Now, with the higher energy patterns, and the capacity of many to observe at a higher level of consciousness, these phenomena have begun to come to come forth. Many in the late 1800's began to see auric fields around plants,animals and people. As they reported what they saw, the scientific community gave no credit to these reports. These could not be quantified, therefore, they did not exist! Those in the metaphysical communities and associations, shared their experiences and knew these reports to be in truth. Not until the invention of very sensitive systems of photography, did the scientific community began to see what the "sensitives" had been reporting for almost one hundred years. The general population could now accept what was being told to them, by sensitives. And, many ordinary people began to observe, personally, these auric fields. Auric Field observations are now a very common event, and are accepted as scientific in nature. . .noted as energy vibrations of a high frequency, which surrounds anything with "Life force energy". This same acceptance, as with auric fields, will be forthcoming. As more and more observations are made of unusual phenomena, acceptance and awareness will rise greatly. The "Orbs" have always been in earth plane. They are energy patterns, that are present, where there is great Love emanating upon Mother Earth's surface. So, literally, one is seeing the configuration of Love energy! Notice that where the "Orbs" are appearing, the scenes and experiences are very Peaceful and Beautiful. This

Loving space of higher energy, must be present, to see and experience the "Orbs".

Go in Peace and Love

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