An American Prophet Speaks On - Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"The Small Power Communities of the Future"

In these times of rumor, there are many things that are said, that are very difficult to track as truth or not. When a country has a media that does not tell the truth of daily events to its citizens, there is chaos.

In the present time, there are many who wish someone would just tell the truth of what is really happening, and allow them to create ways to cope. In this desire to know, many have simply placed all that is important to them in limbo and are waiting for something to help them understand what is really happening.

There is a lot of concern on many levels and there is complacency. Action, or at least, reaction would be appreciated from those in power. But to have this, there must be someone who will give out the facts! There must be an understanding of truth so one can act or react. Actions are based on knowing, how and why to move!

The truth is, that what would seem apathy, is not so! What is occurring is that, without sufficient understanding of events, no action can be taken. Confusion does not allow the confidence of choosing a good direction. So, there is the "Deer in the Headlights Effect"! Does one run, stay put, jump, or pray and hope help arrives? Everything stops and goes into "a wait and see attitude".

This scenario is endemic to the country as a whole. Does one buy groceries today, or wait for prices to go down tomorrow? What of buying gas today? Will prices be a few cents less tomorrow? Without information, decisions go on "hold", and complacency seems to be present. This is not complacency. It is confusion!

This situation may not seem that important to, "deter involvement and action". But when the news is speculative and determined to make headlines about issues that are tired, worn and not timely, action becomes impossible to the average citizen. As a reflection, those who represent you in high places, such as Congress, have the same issue. The question becomes, "What is really happening"? And what is really important to concentrate on to keep the country working and going forward?

This confusion, nationally, is not something to ignore. For continued, what is most likely to be the future?

The future is bound by the present and its decisions. To be ones of apathy, is to make everything unimportant. For, "what can one do"?

THERE IS A FUTURE that is revealing itself. And if you will observe you will find the edges of it, in these current days, as it begins.

Man and Light are coming together to dispel the confusion. There is a drawing together, to understand and to take action, in small ways. to defend themselves and to bring understanding. Take a look at how many "special interest", informational groups are forming on the internet.

These communities are taking, in hand, the necessity "to know". The future is beginning to show these informational groups forming from the need to act and come to, "I must do something. . .and I do not trust anyone to help me, but those interested in my special concerns." This realization causes a revolution in life styles and thinking. For, it takes away group thinking, and commonality of the larger community.

When one feels he must step up and declare himself to be independent of another's thoughts, there is the beginning of energies which are special interest.

There is little coalition between those who live together, in ideals or in residence, with other communities. Local, state or national interest communities do not mix any longer.

The future, under current circumstances, will be much more structured around what community one chooses. One's chosen community, will be the reality of one's own daily existence. For in this, there is safety and commonality. So, unless there is something to stop the confusion, there will be a lot less, "Looking to the welfare of all", and much more, "Looking to one's own safety and welfare", through chosen community".

Survival is an important consideration when one is in confusion. So, there are those, even now, who are looking to this end. The confused states of "what is really happening in our country" are leading to this reality. . .many more drawing together in a common, small community effort. There is a lessening of "Looking to the people of the country to pull together for a common good!"

PRAYERS ARE IN ORDER THAT: "The confusion stop and the news media takes its responsibilities seriously", to inform and tell the truth. That the news media becomes responsible for fair and accurate reporting, as has
been in the past.

PERSONAL ACTION: If you are ones, to choose to be actively involved nationally, write or email your congressmen and women. Tell them how important it is that the News Media belong to the people, not to controlling corporations, who use the media for their own ends!

Go in Peace and Love

An American Prophet. This Information is Copyrighted 2008. All Rights Reserved. For more information about RENE: and click "About Us" and then "Who is Rene?".

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