An American Prophet - Monday, June 2, 2008

Dear Ones, there is a thought that will bring you to recognition of this day.

We are in a turning of the future, into a dream. It is that "we as a country, will look to the faith of who we are" and away from the "fear of who we are", in this day. And, in the present moment look at the fear which drives us as a country, as false. How do we get from this place of fear to a place of faith?

There is in this day a turning to that which is now instilled in the young of this country. They are ones who seek and know the truth of all things. It is to be done, in this is a turning away from fear and its sadness, and into "looking for answers".

So this day is one to look to the young and what they shall demand to know. Be with them, do not turn away. And, faith will restore what fear has taken away!

Dear Ones, be of the faith that all is well. Be ones to insist that all shall be of the truth, no matter what shall be said by those who lead you.

It matters not at what level you see this "leadership", require that the truth shall be said, not in fear, but in the desire to know and to support.

There are many in these days who do not see truth as the "vest of leadership". To say what is pragmatic is the thought of leadership.

But to see the changes that mark the day is to look to the young who demand to know the truth. These demands are not militant, but in justice.

Therefore, see the prophecy as, "The Young shall lead the country away from the Fears of the Past, and in this shall be unitedness instead of separation!

Go in Peace and Love

An American Prophet. This Information is Copyrighted 2008. All Rights Reserved. For more information about RENE: and click "About Us" and then "Who is Rene?".

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