An American Prophet - Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear Ones, there comes soon the news that you have waiting for, for a long time. It is that when you are ones to "stand forth" you will be listened to on all levels.

This truth has been a long time coming into your lives. But, do not despair. For your prayers are heard!

Children of the Light, there is in these times disparity. And this comes from a loss of faith. There is nothing to be in fear of. Those fears that lie unbidden and threatening, are not by your own voices but from the voices that would make you weak.

You are not weak! You are strong and God Centered. Your prayers go forth into the ethers where they are heard.

I am here in the places of Love. And I give unto you the truth of those things of the day. Therefore, listen to my words and know that you are just "around the corner", from knowing what shall be the truth of your lives and how to be strong in these times.

Strength comes from Love. And, Love comes from knowing that you are ones of Loving attitudes. That you do not seek to destroy, but to support is your way. So, you are ones to hear from me that there is this recognition of your Love and your prayers.

Be not in fear of tomorrow. Instead, take into your lives the truth. There is no fear or retribution. There is no fear of being ones enslaved. For those who would enslave, shall be the "enslaved".

In your daily walk, be ones to say, "I understand. I Love. I see my fellow man as Loving. See the truth not the sorrow and fear. For in your own Life, you are ones to separate from fear and know the truth.

"Fear brings fear and destruction. Love brings Life! Children, it is the time in Earth Plane to stand in Love, and reap the promise . . .to, "Love and be Loved!"

Go in Peace and Love.

An American Prophet. This Information is Copyrighted 2008. All Rights Reserved. For more information about RENE: and click "About Us" and then "Who is Rene?".

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