An American Prophet - Saturday, August 2, 2008 (

The Gifts of Tomorrow. Have you decided to enjoy these?

Children, the future is not that to be lived in fear. And to show you this truth, is this Prophecy written.

Already, in your personal "Universe", is there the showing of these gifts of the future. They stand before you. Those who would convince you that, "the future is falling into ruin", take away your future, assuredly as your hearts believe their words to be so.

To take a look, now, at what appears already, in your environment and affects your future times, is a goodness. To see the beginnings of these in your environment every day, will give you the Gifts of Tomorrow, as you accept what your eyes and hearts tell you.

To avoid the pain of the "Nay-Sayers", open your eyes! See these truths and believe! Allow your fears of today, about the future, slip away. Live in the Joy of what you see before you!

Children, be ones to know that all is well with your future, unless you believe this is not truth and you give away your right to create and be happy. The future is yours to create, and you have been doing so, until the current times which say, "I am not safe! I am a victim! I must hide and be quiet so I am not heard or seen!"

Children, look at tomorrow through today. See what is happening that is new and exciting. See these things as only a beginning and know that tomorrow is a Blessing, NOT a Curse!

So, Children, allow us to look in the present and see the future of your lives.

First: Look at your children. They are born wiser than ever before. Look at the intellect they hold very early in childhood. Listen to what they are saying. They surprise you with their understanding. They bring you thoughts that are new and exciting. . . sometimes not easily understood, but they have an innocence, that tells the truth.

Second: Look to these times to be Joyful in your knowing that you have skills that are rising constantly. Your understandings are ones to increase daily as you go into the thoughts of, "Oh, I see"! And, you do see! Believe what you know from truth, not fear.

Third: You are ones to be ready, at any time, to be present with new thoughts that take you far from where you are in your lives. You are ready to reach out for new opportunities. You are willing to think and express your opinions about these, and without fear, to reach out and experience.

Fourth: There are many who think beyond "the normal" every day beliefs. You are saying, "What if?" and allowing these thoughts to flow and speculate. You do not hand them away lightly. . .you keep them quietly inside and respect what you know and feel.

These are the characteristics of the future. You are without fear, when this is so. New solutions and new ideas come together to create a new and different world.


Children who are born into the future will be stronger and, more whole of body and mind, from the very beginning. These children will be larger of stature and well determined to express themselves without shame.

Those who stand forth to be heard, will have incredible gifts that will accompany them into the public eye. They will be ones to declare the truth, for they will not be in the fear of believing.

You might call these children of tomorrow, "Super-Men and Super-Women". For, they are ones to seek the truth in all things and insist that it be so. From early childhood, they will be ones to insist that they are told the truth. Parents will have to be ready for these children, for they will accept only what they believe, not what they are told.

These children appear upon earth plane now! They are the children of the future. Ask any parent in these days about their little ones. Ask grandparents about their grandchildren and how they are different from the children they have raised to adulthood. Grandparents are the authorities on this subject. They will tell you the truth, so you may witness this changing and the new beginnings.

There are those even now who appear, in their young adulthood and are different. Who, within 10 years, will appear and stand forth to be counted. They will declare themselves. Wait and watch! And, this will be done on a very wide scale as they become involved in the affairs of man.

Children, you are the future. It is your children and grandchildren. . .who are these wonderful beings. Love them, understand them, nuture and protect them. You are the ones who make the difference in the way the land will be seen. Do not give up for those things of man that say,"You are Sinking and All is Lost!" Do not accept this as your truth.

You are wonderful in your capacities to "Be and to Create". To think this is going to change, unless you believe it to be so, is simply not truth!

SO, THIS MESSAGE OF THE FUTURE IS SO YOU MAY SEE. Look at the NOW! Look at your Children! They stand as a testament to tomorrow and what to believe in. Do not believe in those who stand in fear and insist that you listen to them. They are ones of fear and attest that their truth is so. Believe in yourselves! Stand to the truth of Now and what you see around you.

Go in Peace and Love

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