An American Prophet - Monday, November 3, 2008 (

Dearest Child, I am here. And I know the heart of your country to be Loving. Be one to know, that those who would deter my hand, are ones now to reap the ways of my hand, to be in the places that will no longer serve them.

Child, be one to know that all is well and will be rectified. I would that those of the Country know that I have not forsaken them. I would that there be those who will stand forth and lead into the future of man,that all will be well. Therefore, do not have fear that your country is falling apart, for it is not!

Child, be ones to know that those who would deter my Blessings are ones to seek unto themselves, to no longer be of my hand and shall seek their own undoing. Therefore, pray for those who would not understand the experiences of their leadership. Pray for those, who would know that all is given to them, but the power of their own hand now shall cause them to stumble and fall.

Child, it is a goodness to allow those who would fall, to be of themselves to be no longer seen as the center of those events that draw to a close. It is a goodness to know that those who have come into these times, with their own egos to be full, will no longer walk the "Light of the Day". For they have been ones tested, and no longer have the ways of my hand to lead them into the future. They are ones to have been set aside as the "New Horizon begins". Be in Prayer as the leadership is changed and shall lead away from the darkness of the times.

Be patient, be Loving and Kind, be in Prayer.

Go in Peace and Love

Q. Dear One is there anything, we as citizens of this country can do,to assist the "birthing of this New Horizon?

Child, I would that all of those who believe in my words, be ones to be in Prayer of "A New Day". Be in Prayer that the energies of this New Horizon be Loving and Kind. That, all shall profit from these times and be well.

Child, I am here and I have heard your "Asking". I have heard the words of, "Dear One be with us", that flows across the land. I am here and "I am the Answer". Be with me and know the truth of the words that I say.

Child of the Light be with me in all that you do, that all shall understand, and be at Peace and Prosperity - for it has begun.

Go in Peace and Love

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