An American Prophet - Monday, February 9, 2008 (


There is a need in today's world to listen and know what is happening. Not just in those declarations from professional news, but also from those who frequent the streets as citizens.

By locating those citizens who walk the streets daily, and who speak from their hearts, there are discovered truths that can not be obtained by any other method. No one in these times has a program that can beat the efficiency of this method of understanding a current reality.

In the future of man, there comes the necessity to pay attention to the masses and their daily, personal experiences. There is wisdom in this method of news gathering. Those in the future who are in leadership will have to listen if they are truly to understand what is occurring in the Country as a whole.

Look for this to begin now that there is listening from those who are in leadership. It has been a while since this "listening to the streets." This practice and giving credit begins a new trend. Incredible amounts of wisdom have been ignored in the past and today's economic quandry is showing this factor.

It is now the time to go to the streets of man and ask what shall be known. Asking him to share his everyday life and using this to understand the realness of today, is so important.

In the present times, those who stand in "Ivory Towers" often do not know what is really happening. The information that arrives into their hands is stilted, and unfinished. This information does not reflect the reality of the streets or the country. Therefore, there is a real lack of information to make decisions.

The man in the street often knows so much more, for he is "living the life" that is at the center of the hub. He is one who walks the streets, he sits in cafes, he works with others who speak together of their fears. To be privy to what the citizens of the country experience daily, and to know what they think, is to have use of truths untapped.

Look for more and more of the information with which to make decisions for the future to come from this quarter. This kind of news gathering, from the streets and the people, is one that when well represented, without "wild editing" by those who "think they know", will reveal truths that are only dreamed of in these times.

When one "lives Life", and is in the midst of situations that need focus and problem solving on a daily basis, he/she is the expert!

Go in Peace and Love
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