1 New Article - April 22, 2009


There are many, these days, who wish for the return to the "Old Times".
But when one really looks at this desire, these days of the past are not always the best, no matter what one feels about today.

There are many times in the past, that the romantic sees, there was living! This attitude often neglects to look at the real issues of the time. These times seem much better because of a blindness to what was really happening.

There were wars. There was inequality, lack of opportunity and a tendency for those in power to remain so. The news was simply not disseminated in a way that the "real story" was available. Corruption was everywhere, but underground.

Today may seem to be rife with problems. Rumors and innuendo, daily, are commonplace. And what does all of this mean?

It means that the voting public is aware, and it is steaming over what should have been an opportunity to get involved. That there is now a feeling, today, that they have been treated like a pack of children. And now, this is not alright!

What does this mean to the future? It means a lot!

First of all the voting public will not lay down. Quite the contrary; the voting public will be in a hyper mode to discover the slightest innuendo that there may be duplicity. The over-zealousness of the voting public's need to be informed will make them seem reactionary to the slightest issue. This is not the truth.

The voting public is looking at what the past has brought them, that they have to deal with in these days. They are not ones to let go of their wanting to "know" what is happening on all fronts. Not being informed and aware has cost them greatly, so they are not willing to turn away and close their eyes any longer.

What does this mean to the future of the country for the next five years?

This means:

1. There will be plenty of discussion about the pathway of the country, before there is foolish action. Action will be forthcoming. But it will not be at the expense of contemplation, and the basics of running the country well.

There is no chance that the voting public is going to support wild actions, to the detriment of their daily lives.

2. There will be those who are willing to be counted for what they believe, and will not be intimidated by what "may happen" to them if they participate in lawful actions to be heard.

3. Money issues will not be ignored by the voting public. Jobs, housing, consumer goods, retirement, and medical access will be watched. Those who work hard, expecting to be rewarded, will be watching Washington politics. Waste will not be tolerated. And this will show at the poles at voting time.

4. Freedoms taken away by legislation, that does not consider Constitutional rights, will be a matter of mass, national. involvement.

So, look forward to a lot of chaos in the country. Look to the voting public to be very demanding. They will watch all who are in office, and will be ones to voice their opinions and make "demands".

What does this mean to the future?

It means, hang on! There is a revolution on the way. It means that the voting public is no longer willing to stand by and allow the politics of the country cheat them out of their homes, jobs, their children's future through education, and their security.

We do not see this through physical revolution, but through "knowing citizen's rights," and demanding that they are heard, too, when their voices are clear.

Go in Peace and Love

Q. What is the biggest issue in the country at this time?

Answer: It is that those in power do not know the depth of the anger of many voters, regarding the past. Voters feel betrayed because of their trust in their elected officials. These elected officials underestimate the power of this anger.

It will be a huge surprise when the voting public arises and makes themselves known. The demands of the voters will make elected officials, of this country, take notice. Or they will be without jobs! Voters have learned, by the election of President Obama, what power they really have at the poles! And they are angry enough, now, that they will make themselves heard at the voting poles.

Go in Peace and Love

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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

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