1 New Article - May 28, 2009


THERE COMES to all who care, a time when there is nothing to fear. And in this state of beingness, there is a Blessing to know and cherish.

This Blessing is one of knowing that "all is well", and one can depend on the Universe to care for all under its teaching.

There comes a time in your own Universe in which there shall be no separation between what you desire and what your creations shall bring to you. You are in this time!

This is a time to look to your inner selves and to allow that all is well. And, in this "Knowing", be aware of what and who you are.

The timing of knowing all about yourselves is just around the corner. It is a time in which those of you who are "curious" will get your questions answered. There is a time in this, that all who come seeking "answers" will have these answers revealed to them.

In the times ahead, there will be many coming to seek and they will not be denied! Children, do you see that you are ones to profit from those who refuse to see the truth of these things? When you are ones to believe in yourselves, you draw to you that which creates from your inner selves. This is the future for all who believe in themselves, and stay away from the "fear mongers".

Children of the Light, the task at hand at this time, is to learn how to select those with whom you will allow your energies to include. Be ones to look to the future and to know you are not one to allow fear to be your master. Instead, look to the times ahead with Joy and transformation. Look to the time that allows you to be full of Love and thanksgiving. And in this you create a future full of those things of your Love.

Energy draws to energy of like kind. . .this is to say, that to have Loving energies in your life, to Love, is your duty. To have Joy in your lives, Live in Joy! And as surely the night follows the day, there will be the sameness of these things in your lives.

Be with me. Hold yourselves to me, and know that all is well in your world! Know this, for it is so!

With Peace!

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