1 New Article - July 27, 2009


There lies in this country, The United States of America, the need to be careful of assuming what is being said about the factors of the present.

Where there is too much to encounter and there flies everywhere the speaking of rumors, there are also lies. Confusion of the Soul!

In these times, the truth is that which will make a difference. And in these times, there are those who assume and listen to rumor to the point that there is nothing that can be understood from the information.

Truth has a way of clearing all things to be less complicated. And in these times to seek the truth, not innuendo, is a necessity. Truth is that which will be given when one insists that he is not open to gossip.

In these times, there are those who would control by gossip. They are ones to set forth untruths on purpose. These gossiping rumors will harbor heartbreak and lethargy given the opportunity to foster itself in the consciousness.

Take time to integrate what you hear and see. What is it you want to do and to be? Would you prefer to be confused? Would you prefer to be fearful? The issue here is to be ones of a belief in yourselves and the country you live in!

The country, the United States of America, is NOT the government, but the PEOPLE. And this being so, there is a need to believe in yourselves and your brothers, not in the rhetoric that is heard from the leadership which continues to be confused!

The Prophecy of today's Blog is this:

"To continue on the road of discussion about what is NOT being done instead of what IS being done is to stagnate to the point of NONACTION. Non action is a road to destruction!"

Be ones to seek the ways of your own heart. Speak up with your email and letters to those in charge of the government. Let them know that you are out here paying attention. Enter into the thought that "you are in charge". This is your country, not theirs. They are the servants, you are the Sovereigns. And when you see this is the truth, be PROUD!

Children of the Light, come to the times ahead where you will be pleased with your lives and the country within which you live them. Ask for, search for, truth in all things. Do not allow anyone to give you an answer that does not make sense to your head and heart.

Listen to your own feelings about what is truth and what is not. Insist that you have the truth and that you feel right about the answers you receive.

THERE IS A TRUTH TO BE KNOWN: It is that, "When you demand the truth,the truth becomes known. And you will feel great for having voiced the need for truth!"

Open up to your own ways of feeling and demand that the truth is that which is yours to know. And if there is not truth forthcoming, be ones to ask those who can not speak in this way to "stand down."

Children of the Light, be present. Be with yourselves, to be truthful to yourselves and your brothers. For you are ones to set the stage for the future of man by the demand that "TRUTH SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU IN ALL WAYS!!"

Go in Peace and Love, to Live Life Freely and Full of Joy!

An American Prophet
Copyright 2009
An American Prophet, published on:http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

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