1 New Article - August 15, 2009


Children, be ones to know that the future is not one to come to you but one to include you in all things.

There is a thought that you are just a pawn in a larger world of trauma. This is not so. For to see your part in the "World of Now" is to give you power to create what comes to you in the future.

Your "Love for All Things" can make incredible changes from what you see now to what you dream to be so. Therefore, do not despair. For, you are as much a part of what will be as those who are "in Power of world events."

There is a truth to be known. It is that, "You are ones to have chosen to be here at this time in the world. You are ones to have said, 'Let me come to make things be whole once again." And in this, is the answer to your angst.

You are ones to have said you will stand forth and be known for your Love. And instead, you have believed those who have made the world seem to be a place of violence and greed.

Be ones to stand in your "Powers of Creation". Be ones to seek answers, rather than to be full of fear, regarding what seems to be the truth in a world that has no Love.

I AM HERE. And, I give you these truths:

1. There is no devastation to be known in earth plane that will cease all existence.

2. There shall be Peace and Prosperity for One Thousand Years, as has been promised in the "Ancient Texts."

3. There are new horizons just around the corner no matter what shall appear to be so in the now.

4. All are headed to a new dimension of Love no matter what shall be their persuasion now.

These things are an absolute. Therefore, lend your Love and Goodness to these thoughts instead of the thoughts of destruction. For your thoughts mean much to this "New Horizon." Your thoughts can birth this New Horizon without pain or lack. And in this, is the way of your hand in the ways of tomorrow.

Be with me. Hold me to you that all will be well.

Go in Peace and Love
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