1 New Article - March 30, 2010


There comes a time in the not too distant future, when man will look heavenward and ask himself, "Why do I not listen to my own inner voice?" He will ask himself, "Where does my inner wisdom come from, that I feel so deeply?" From this place inside, man will insist that he will no longer listen to those who do not include his intellect and inner feelings as a part of the decision making processes.

Man will insist that he will be included in the decisions made affecting him. And not only this, he will insist that those who would make decisions with him, be ones of impeccableness.

Children, be ones to know that you, even now, are asking yourselves, "Why am I following those who do not know where they are going?"

There lies ahead everyone, the necessity to ask questions and not to be deterred by words that have sound but no meaning. There will be arising issues to require proof before there will be any following, be it leadership or not.

In the past, whatever a leader might say, the people standing behind that leader would trust and support no matter what it would look like factually. No longer will those who allow themselves to be governed, accept without reason, the voices of leadership.

Men and women, who are in leadership have long depended upon those, who would step into supporting without question. No longer is this to be the truth of leadership. To stand forth and declare that one is a leader, will not be enough! Performance showing trust, will be paramount in accepting leadership by those who are looking for leadership.

When there is truth in the streets, and man honors himself by his own choosing, he will insist on trust. When he is told something in trust, he will not allow these words to fall idle.

Truth will be revered beyond all else and man will be held accountable for this coming to pass.

Go in Peace and Love.
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