I am one to seek the future as a Prophet.

I see many things coming before they are the truth in our world. There are messages of faith, of Joy and of the moments in which we cry.

As a Prophetess, I am one to look at the future as what is "most likely", not of what is of "doom's day". There are many things we can do, to avoid these words of the future, that chill us when we hear them.

We are ones with infinite skills. We are ones of a destiny that will never cease when we see these truths that lie before us. We can create a whole new reality when we are ones to seek the future as bending to the will of our creations. To do this with a Loving thought, is to have a future full of Love. And so, I begin this time together with you, not to frighten you, but to allow you to know our direction "in the Now", and to assist you to see what you can do, to alter the course.

There have been many who have made prophecies, only to see them no longer in the scope of tomorrow. And they cry out. They are ones disappointed that the "truth of their seeing" has not come to reality. I will not be one of those. Instead, I will congratulate you for having been so creative that you have turned the tides of the future. So, let us work together to avoid the tides of negativity that may lie ahead of us.

There is nothing so strong, that we can not work together to make a difference in our futures, by knowing how to create a New Tomorrow with Love,

I am a Prophet of Light, be with me as we create a "New Tomorrow".

With Love, Rene


An American Prophet, published on: is Copyright, in the year 2008. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

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1 comment:

Liliana said...

I am excited to read your prophecies Rene and feel at peace knowing that we still have the power to create our own futures.
love, Liliana