1 New Article - February 26, 2010


CHILDREN of the Light, I am here to tell you what shall be an interesting event in the world of Earth Plane.

It is that until man shall be sure he is of my hand, he is one to speak to you with his mouth but not of his heart.

Children, be prepared for a big event in that, "man will not be able to speak if he does not allow the truth to come out of his mouth!"

There lies a problem in the society as a whole, in that, man has made the community of earth to be verbal. And if he shall not be able to speak, the economics of this shall truly staggering.

This is not to say there will not be commerce. It is to say, "That man will have to interpret in a different way what he shall need to say."

There are many ways for this muteness to occur. Do not be of concern of these things. Instead, look forward to a world that will not be allowed to listen and to speak as well. Listening will be that to cause understanding. Talking will be the way man tries to convince others to move ahead without the proper understanding. Until this duplicity is no longer an issue, muteness will be the way of the voice.

The voices will not be heard in the same way, but through a croaking noise which shall not be allowed to speak words. There will be those who will try to continue in their own ways to communicate with talking. But, if in this there is a thought to dupe another, the voices shall shut down.

Look forward very soon to this phenomenon being in your earthplane. Be prepared to monitor your speaking voice that it shall be in the truth of your own understanding.

Go in Peace and Love


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