1 New Article - January 5, 2010


In these times there are many who do not understand what is happening around them. And it is to this that I address this message today.

When there is so much to integrate into your minds and hearts there is confusion. There are many who run in fear not knowing where else to go in their lives.

These are the times to ask questions and to know that in this way confusion begins to go away. To ask a question and desire to know the truth is the way of the future to become whole.

Today, will I tell you some truths that you may enter into a way of quietness inside. You are ones confused by the murmurings of those who do not understand and insist on talking about their own fears, instead of the truth of all things.

I will tell you this: "That until all of you are willing to stand up and insist on the truth to be told there will be no Peace and Prosperity of Life. There is only one choice to this place of living. It is to demand to know the truth!

Children, when you are ones afraid, you do not listen to what you know inside. You are ones to become afraid because you can not trust the things that are being said.

When you feal fear when you are listening to anything that is being said, know that you are not being told the truth. In this understanding, you can know what you need to ask. Demand to be told the truth! Truth brings relief and a feeling of fulfillment. Truth brings understanding, not confusion!

Children of the Light, know that you are ones of greatness of power when you are ones to demand that "the truth of all things shall be said unto you."

Dear Ones, there comes a time in the future of man that in the truth shall there be Light and to know of this is a goodness. There shall be those to stand forth and to speak and when their words are not of the truth, they shall be mute and confused as they speak. I will not allow anyone to stand forth and speak unless they are telling the truth of what they will say!

Depend on this to be so. When one shall stand forth and declare what they believe to be so, if there shall not be truth, the words will scramble and the tongues shall be tied! In this shall I make you this promise. And shall you listen with your hearts, you will know of those who are not willing to stand forth, before you and speak of "What is, rather than what they would have you believe!"

In the future that comes, I will not allow anyone to stand and speak with the capacity of a speaker of wisdom and speak without truth. I will take from them the way of speaking that you may know of my hand in these things.

Go in Peace and Love.

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