1 New Article - June 30, 2009


Children of the Light, I am here to tell you about the future events coming. I am here that you may understand that "to know" gives you opportunity to create in your own lives, that they may be full of opportunity.

It is a goodness to be prepared and without fear and in this is the reason for knowing what the future will bring. It is not to be in fear, but to be prepared!

Children, to know that to be of the thought that "all is well in your lives," is the first event we shall speak about. In these times, there is much to know, and when there is an open mind and heart there is much to understand. Without this, fear is the only option and does not serve us well.

Dear Ones, accept that the power of your own heart creates. Understand, that "to desire to know," this is the truth of who you are. This is the way to be sure that when others choose to give themselves to coming events as they are, there is nothing they can do to change these in their lives.

Accepting that you are creative, is to alter in your lives what shall be handed to you from a "lack conscious" position. You can create "that you are not one to be the victim of events."

Children, this day do I say that to be ready is the way not to be in fear. So, we begin to speak about the future of mankind.

There lies in the world today, that which would appear to be so intense, that turning it around is impossible. War after war shows on a scale so huge that it is difficult to even contemplate. And why is there such of this in these days?

It is because man does not see his own part in these wars. He is sure he is absolved from them and their causes. So, he turns his head away. He looks not at the causes of his own hand that are at play.

When is the last time man has sought to understand who he is on an international scale? The answer is, "NEVER!" He is one to look to others as responsible. He does not see that he is a part of the whole!

Look, do you see that all who live upon earth plane are responsible for those times of unrest and war? In the simple things that come to past, there are enough events, to see one's self as responsible on some level.. What of food for all? What of being able to support, in some way, the children who are no longer supported by those who bore them.

What of clean water and schools for the down trodden? All of these things contribute to war. For war is but the need to survive in hearts that are no longer strong enough to create.

When there is a lack of food, there is war! When there is a lack of education and fear is a constant companion, there is war. So, can you see that war is that which comes when there is lack of some kind?

The prophecy is this: To Love and support those who have difficulties surviving; To Love and bring hope to those who are now in lack so deep, that survival to 10 years old, is a miracle! These things, done now, will make a difference in the future of war.

Lack is the reason for war. For when those who make it past 10 years old come to adulthood they will be full of fear. Fear fans the flames of war! These without Love and support, are the ones who come to Peacefulness no longer.

So, looking at the future of mankind with love and support of the less fortunate, in whatever way you can, is a goodness. Whether these are far away or in your own back yard, Love them, say prayers for them, and give where you can.

In this action of caring, will there be Peace and Prosperity in the future of man.

To be without good cheer, to refuse to reach out with a helping hand, there will be continued wars. The devastating end of this is that all will be at war. Without Love and extended hand, it is the future of man kind.

Think today, "What can I do from who I am to participate in bringing Peace?" What small thing can I contribute? All have something to contribute, no matter how grim it may seem around them. Your prayers are first, your Love is second, your hands reaching out is third. ..what CAN YOU DO to bring Peace in these days of now?

Go in Peace and Love

An American Prophet
Copyright 2009
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1 comment:

Jayne said...

This is very profound and true, I know this from the core of my own being. I will pary for peace as I try to do often and I will ask that my brother join me. I would ask that those in the collective conciousness that would choose peace and prosperity join me in prayers for theis for all. Peace is not just a mere possibility it is an absolute so I ask that those who read this join me and others in making it so for all.

Love to you all!