1 New Article - March 30, 2010


There comes a time in the not too distant future, when man will look heavenward and ask himself, "Why do I not listen to my own inner voice?" He will ask himself, "Where does my inner wisdom come from, that I feel so deeply?" From this place inside, man will insist that he will no longer listen to those who do not include his intellect and inner feelings as a part of the decision making processes.

Man will insist that he will be included in the decisions made affecting him. And not only this, he will insist that those who would make decisions with him, be ones of impeccableness.

Children, be ones to know that you, even now, are asking yourselves, "Why am I following those who do not know where they are going?"

There lies ahead everyone, the necessity to ask questions and not to be deterred by words that have sound but no meaning. There will be arising issues to require proof before there will be any following, be it leadership or not.

In the past, whatever a leader might say, the people standing behind that leader would trust and support no matter what it would look like factually. No longer will those who allow themselves to be governed, accept without reason, the voices of leadership.

Men and women, who are in leadership have long depended upon those, who would step into supporting without question. No longer is this to be the truth of leadership. To stand forth and declare that one is a leader, will not be enough! Performance showing trust, will be paramount in accepting leadership by those who are looking for leadership.

When there is truth in the streets, and man honors himself by his own choosing, he will insist on trust. When he is told something in trust, he will not allow these words to fall idle.

Truth will be revered beyond all else and man will be held accountable for this coming to pass.

Go in Peace and Love.
An American Prophet, published on: http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:


I am one to seek the future as a Prophet.

I see many things coming before they are the truth in our world. There are messages of faith, of Joy and of the moments in which we cry.

As a Prophetess, I am one to look at the future as what is "most likely", not of what is of "doom's day". There are many things we can do, to avoid these words of the future, that chill us when we hear them.

We are ones with infinite skills. We are ones of a destiny that will never cease when we see these truths that lie before us. We can create a whole new reality when we are ones to seek the future as bending to the will of our creations. To do this with a Loving thought, is to have a future full of Love. And so, I begin this time together with you, not to frighten you, but to allow you to know our direction "in the Now", and to assist you to see what you can do, to alter the course.

There have been many who have made prophecies, only to see them no longer in the scope of tomorrow. And they cry out. They are ones disappointed that the "truth of their seeing" has not come to reality. I will not be one of those. Instead, I will congratulate you for having been so creative that you have turned the tides of the future. So, let us work together to avoid the tides of negativity that may lie ahead of us.

There is nothing so strong, that we can not work together to make a difference in our futures, by knowing how to create a New Tomorrow with Love,

I am a Prophet of Light, be with me as we create a "New Tomorrow".

With Love, Rene


An American Prophet, published on: http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyright, in the year 2008. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

1 New Article - February 26, 2010


CHILDREN of the Light, I am here to tell you what shall be an interesting event in the world of Earth Plane.

It is that until man shall be sure he is of my hand, he is one to speak to you with his mouth but not of his heart.

Children, be prepared for a big event in that, "man will not be able to speak if he does not allow the truth to come out of his mouth!"

There lies a problem in the society as a whole, in that, man has made the community of earth to be verbal. And if he shall not be able to speak, the economics of this shall truly staggering.

This is not to say there will not be commerce. It is to say, "That man will have to interpret in a different way what he shall need to say."

There are many ways for this muteness to occur. Do not be of concern of these things. Instead, look forward to a world that will not be allowed to listen and to speak as well. Listening will be that to cause understanding. Talking will be the way man tries to convince others to move ahead without the proper understanding. Until this duplicity is no longer an issue, muteness will be the way of the voice.

The voices will not be heard in the same way, but through a croaking noise which shall not be allowed to speak words. There will be those who will try to continue in their own ways to communicate with talking. But, if in this there is a thought to dupe another, the voices shall shut down.

Look forward very soon to this phenomenon being in your earthplane. Be prepared to monitor your speaking voice that it shall be in the truth of your own understanding.

Go in Peace and Love


An American Prophet, published on:http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - January 5, 2010


In these times there are many who do not understand what is happening around them. And it is to this that I address this message today.

When there is so much to integrate into your minds and hearts there is confusion. There are many who run in fear not knowing where else to go in their lives.

These are the times to ask questions and to know that in this way confusion begins to go away. To ask a question and desire to know the truth is the way of the future to become whole.

Today, will I tell you some truths that you may enter into a way of quietness inside. You are ones confused by the murmurings of those who do not understand and insist on talking about their own fears, instead of the truth of all things.

I will tell you this: "That until all of you are willing to stand up and insist on the truth to be told there will be no Peace and Prosperity of Life. There is only one choice to this place of living. It is to demand to know the truth!

Children, when you are ones afraid, you do not listen to what you know inside. You are ones to become afraid because you can not trust the things that are being said.

When you feal fear when you are listening to anything that is being said, know that you are not being told the truth. In this understanding, you can know what you need to ask. Demand to be told the truth! Truth brings relief and a feeling of fulfillment. Truth brings understanding, not confusion!

Children of the Light, know that you are ones of greatness of power when you are ones to demand that "the truth of all things shall be said unto you."

Dear Ones, there comes a time in the future of man that in the truth shall there be Light and to know of this is a goodness. There shall be those to stand forth and to speak and when their words are not of the truth, they shall be mute and confused as they speak. I will not allow anyone to stand forth and speak unless they are telling the truth of what they will say!

Depend on this to be so. When one shall stand forth and declare what they believe to be so, if there shall not be truth, the words will scramble and the tongues shall be tied! In this shall I make you this promise. And shall you listen with your hearts, you will know of those who are not willing to stand forth, before you and speak of "What is, rather than what they would have you believe!"

In the future that comes, I will not allow anyone to stand and speak with the capacity of a speaker of wisdom and speak without truth. I will take from them the way of speaking that you may know of my hand in these things.

Go in Peace and Love.

An American Prophet, published on:http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - October 21, 2009


Child, I am here and I would that there be not chaos around the land of
your birth.

There lies within this, a way to say, Peace and Prosperity be so.

In all things, shall there be Peace and Prosperity, for I have given
that it shall be so. And those who would want there to be not this,
shall I give unto them the ways of my hand to prosper in their own
negative ways.

Child, I say to you that, "There is much to be aware of this day. And
that when those who are of unrest, shall stand and say, "I am in
charge," shall there be a new horizon that will not allow such as these
things to be truth."

I would that we are ones to touch and sing the praises of the future to
be well. The negative that lays across the land goes against my own way
of being. And in this, shall there always be that to dissuade this
shall be so.

Child, I would that you are one of Praise and Thanksgiving. I would
that you understand that when there is chaos, I shall enter and cause
the separation of energies. This will be in such a way, that those who
insist on becoming war-like, shall be no longer in a place to be

The earth plane is one to come to the times ahead, when man and Light
shall encounter and they shall find themselves in separation. I would
that the Light shall be known and that all shall be well. For this
purpose, shall I say, "Be with me! Know me!, and all is well.

Go in Peace and Love!

An American Prophet, published on http://www.anamericanprophet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 New Article - August 15, 2009


Children, be ones to know that the future is not one to come to you but one to include you in all things.

There is a thought that you are just a pawn in a larger world of trauma. This is not so. For to see your part in the "World of Now" is to give you power to create what comes to you in the future.

Your "Love for All Things" can make incredible changes from what you see now to what you dream to be so. Therefore, do not despair. For, you are as much a part of what will be as those who are "in Power of world events."

There is a truth to be known. It is that, "You are ones to have chosen to be here at this time in the world. You are ones to have said, 'Let me come to make things be whole once again." And in this, is the answer to your angst.

You are ones to have said you will stand forth and be known for your Love. And instead, you have believed those who have made the world seem to be a place of violence and greed.

Be ones to stand in your "Powers of Creation". Be ones to seek answers, rather than to be full of fear, regarding what seems to be the truth in a world that has no Love.

I AM HERE. And, I give you these truths:

1. There is no devastation to be known in earth plane that will cease all existence.

2. There shall be Peace and Prosperity for One Thousand Years, as has been promised in the "Ancient Texts."

3. There are new horizons just around the corner no matter what shall appear to be so in the now.

4. All are headed to a new dimension of Love no matter what shall be their persuasion now.

These things are an absolute. Therefore, lend your Love and Goodness to these thoughts instead of the thoughts of destruction. For your thoughts mean much to this "New Horizon." Your thoughts can birth this New Horizon without pain or lack. And in this, is the way of your hand in the ways of tomorrow.

Be with me. Hold me to you that all will be well.

Go in Peace and Love
An American Prophet, published on: www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - July 27, 2009


There lies in this country, The United States of America, the need to be careful of assuming what is being said about the factors of the present.

Where there is too much to encounter and there flies everywhere the speaking of rumors, there are also lies. Confusion of the Soul!

In these times, the truth is that which will make a difference. And in these times, there are those who assume and listen to rumor to the point that there is nothing that can be understood from the information.

Truth has a way of clearing all things to be less complicated. And in these times to seek the truth, not innuendo, is a necessity. Truth is that which will be given when one insists that he is not open to gossip.

In these times, there are those who would control by gossip. They are ones to set forth untruths on purpose. These gossiping rumors will harbor heartbreak and lethargy given the opportunity to foster itself in the consciousness.

Take time to integrate what you hear and see. What is it you want to do and to be? Would you prefer to be confused? Would you prefer to be fearful? The issue here is to be ones of a belief in yourselves and the country you live in!

The country, the United States of America, is NOT the government, but the PEOPLE. And this being so, there is a need to believe in yourselves and your brothers, not in the rhetoric that is heard from the leadership which continues to be confused!

The Prophecy of today's Blog is this:

"To continue on the road of discussion about what is NOT being done instead of what IS being done is to stagnate to the point of NONACTION. Non action is a road to destruction!"

Be ones to seek the ways of your own heart. Speak up with your email and letters to those in charge of the government. Let them know that you are out here paying attention. Enter into the thought that "you are in charge". This is your country, not theirs. They are the servants, you are the Sovereigns. And when you see this is the truth, be PROUD!

Children of the Light, come to the times ahead where you will be pleased with your lives and the country within which you live them. Ask for, search for, truth in all things. Do not allow anyone to give you an answer that does not make sense to your head and heart.

Listen to your own feelings about what is truth and what is not. Insist that you have the truth and that you feel right about the answers you receive.

THERE IS A TRUTH TO BE KNOWN: It is that, "When you demand the truth,the truth becomes known. And you will feel great for having voiced the need for truth!"

Open up to your own ways of feeling and demand that the truth is that which is yours to know. And if there is not truth forthcoming, be ones to ask those who can not speak in this way to "stand down."

Children of the Light, be present. Be with yourselves, to be truthful to yourselves and your brothers. For you are ones to set the stage for the future of man by the demand that "TRUTH SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU IN ALL WAYS!!"

Go in Peace and Love, to Live Life Freely and Full of Joy!

An American Prophet
Copyright 2009
An American Prophet, published on:http://www.AnAmericanProphet.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted. For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/